Arjuna Asks : How Could We Be Happy By Killing Our Own Kinsmen?

 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1


papam evasrayed asman
hatvaitan atatayinah
tasman narha vayam hantum
dhartarastran sa-bandhavan
sva-janam hi katham hatva
sukhinah syama madhava


papam--vices; eva--certainly; asrayet--must take upon; asman--us; hatva--by killing; etan--all these; atatayinah--aggressors; tasmat--therefore; na--never; arhah--deserving; vayam--we; hantum--to kill; dhartarastran--the sons of Dhrtarastra; sa-bandhavan--along with friends; sva-janam--kinsmen; hi--certainly; katham--how; hatva--by killing; sukhinah--happy; syama--become; madhava--O Krsna, husband of the goddess of fortune.

Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhrtarastra and our friends. What should we gain, O Krsna husband of the goddess of fortune and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen?