Infatuation is the Cause of Most Sorrows

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2


sri-bhagavan uvaca 
kutas tva kasmalam idam 
visame samupasthitam 
anarya-justam asvargyam 
akirti-karam arjuna

sri-bhagavan uvaca--the Supreme Personality of Godhead said;kutah--wherefrom; tva--unto you; kasmalam--dirtiness; idam--this lamentation; visame--in this hour of crisis; samupasthitam--arrived;anarya--persons who do not know the value of life; justam--practiced by; asvargyam--that which does not lead to higher planets; akirti--infamy; karam--the cause of; arjuna--O Arjuna.

The Supreme Person [Bhagavan] said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They do not lead to higher planets, but to infamy

So we should not attach our mind greatly to any material thing or human being as one day we have to leave these. We should divert our mind and all our energies to Krishna. This will give us eternal happiness.